Sunday 18 December 2011

Bab 3 What does leadership means.(Hoo Ay Ting)

A leader simply means a head who controls a group of people.

Generally good leaders are refer to have good working qualities from interactions to communicating and responsibilities.

How to be a good leader?

Knowing to archive good leadership qualities is hard.
How do they be so discipline?
How do they be so diligent ?

Its simple. Instead of thinking of attitude and so forth, the critical part of being one is how strong the emotion is.

A leader suppose to have a stable emotion, other words emotion control. He is patient as well as diligent .

Leaders are usually experience ones. Having face through difficulties in life and understanding the histories and mistakes they make . They also make the best decision base one histories and make a better future.

Leaders also ensure unity in a group by not only having control over their own emotions but also the emotions of a group. A leader has to always encourage the members to ensure they have a high morale and be confidence in his leading.

Therefore a leader is important to ensure continues improvement in a group.(Kaizen)

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